Chapter 6 – Triangles (Ex – 6.1)


Question 1.
Fill in the blanks using the correct word given in brackets :

  1. All circles are ________. (congruent, similar)
  2. All squares are ________. (similar, congruent)
  3. All triangles are similar, (isosceles, equilateral)
  4. Two polygons of the same number of sides are similar, if (a) their corresponding angles are and (b) their corresponding sides are ________. (equal, proportional)


  1. similar
  2. similar
  3. equilateral
  4. equal, proportional.

Question 2.
Give two different examples of pair of
(i) similar figures
(ii) non-similar figures.

(i) Two different examples of pair of similar figures are :

  • any two circles
  • any two squares.

(ii) Two different examples of pair of non-similar figures are :

  • a scalene and an equilateral triangle.
  • an equilateral triangle and a right angled triangle.

Question 3.
State whether the following quadrilaterals are similar or not:

On looking at the given figures of the quadrilaterals, we can say that they are not similar. Here, sides are proportional, but corresponding angles are not equal.

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